Wednesday 29 August 2007

Is Enterprise 2.0 such a hard thing to "get"

I just got home from an all hands meeting discussing various things, including group communication. During a discussion about how we would arange weekly meetings I suggested that we used a team blog - restricted to members of our team only (we already have a globally available blog) where we can post and dicuss on team related issues. I suggested that we could use this blog to filter topics that we would want to expand to a full group discussion at a weekly meeting. This idea didn't recieve much support, and shortly afterwards someone suggested that we could "write topics on a white board, and then people can put dots by topics that they are most interested in.....". I was a bit taken a back by this....I am sure that people in the team get what web2.0 and how it could be useful - yet I definitely feel resistance to actually using these technologies . The problm is that we are a technological group that have a role in knowledge management - if we aren't prepared to embrace these technologies, how can we expect others to? Is Enterprise 2.0 ahead of its time?


David said...

It's not ahead of its time. It's just the chicken and egg problem in a different guise.

Most people have to see web 2.0 (or really anything new) being useful to them in a particular context before they want to adopt it in that context.


Ben Gardner said...

Your team might like to consider using OneNote in combination with SharePoint. I recently saw this in action and it was pretty impressive approach for capturing and sharing the day to day project transient project information/decisions. I've just posted my observations over on if you want to read more.

Jason Marshall said...

David, Yeah I totally agree - people need to see this stuff working before they can translate it into how it might work for them!

Ben, I have heard about this combo - it looks really great - its nice to see real examples of how Sharepoint can be useful!!